Systemic Supervision & Coaching
Intercultural Team Development & Conflict Management

Welcome to my website

What brought you here?

  • Is it your desire for professional or personal change?
  • Are there many small or even highly escalated conflicts in your environment ?
  • Would you like to be supported as a manager in a change process?
  • Or do you want to turn your team into a really strong team through team development that sticks together and stands behind you?

“Knowing that change is possible and wanting to make change are two big first steps.”

Virginia Satir

Management & team development
for employees from companies, clinics & medical practices

Führungskräfte- und Teamentwicklung mit Kostadinowa Consulting in BerlinSuccessful coaching, supervision, team development and conflict management stands and falls with the person YOU choose for it. Therefore, I invite you to get to know me on these pages and to contact me for a personal and non-binding conversation. Then, ideally, we can quickly and easily decide to work together.

I see myself as a sparring partner in change processes and a neutral companion in conflict situations – especially in intercultural teams. With my experience from two decades of working with people from all over the world and a wide variety of professional backgrounds, I am convinced that solutions can ALWAYS be found without having to spend too much time analyzing the content of the problem. My inner belief is that you can solve all your problems yourself. It’s just that access to important resources may be lost right now.

Especially in the case of major change processes or many new challenges at once, such as a new team, new tasks, intercultural differences or conflicts that have already escalated, it is often wise to get a neutral third party to assist you. This usually saves time, energy and money.

Regardless of whether you are looking for the right partner at your side from a company, a medical practice or a clinic, you will find more about my offers here:

Do you have any questions about my offer?

Talk to me about it.