Customers of Kostadinova Consulting

  • Rolls Royce Germany Ltd. & Co KG
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • Unilever Germany Holding GmbH
  • Hemsley Fraser Group Limited, UK
  • Demos GmbH – European Business Academy
  • German wave
  • CLS—Corporate Language Solutions
  • KeSch Training International
  • Humboldt University of Berlin
  • University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia
  • International University Bad Honnef
  • Franco-German Youth Office
  • BAFM – Federal Working Group for Family Mediation
  • Mediation and training in Berlin
  • MiKK eV, mediation in international parental conflicts
  • MIR eV, Migration and Integration Council of the State of Brandenburg
  • RAA Brandenburg – Democracy and Integration Brandenburg eV

“Service means seeing the whole business through the eyes of the customer.”

Axel Haitzer

My clients come from the following professional groups:

architects . Doctors . medical assistants . Lawyers . civil engineers . controllers . diplomats . Interpreter . Executives and managing directors from commercial companies. computer scientist . engineers . journalists . nurses . teachers . mediators . psychologists . Judge . Trainer . Quality manager . Auditors

Swetlana Kostadinowa-Rohde

customer testimonials

“Thanks to her biographical and academic skills, Ms. Kostadinowa was particularly successful in the “Intercultural Competence” seminar. Her perfect multilingualism is an invaluable help. Added to this is her ability to motivate with a great deal of creativity and to bring group members with sometimes very different requirements together into a productive group of learners through her lively and powerful personality.”

“Thanks to her bicultural background and her first-hand experience with the peculiarities of the cultures in the English-speaking world, Swetlana helped us develop our understanding for other cultures. What was extremely useful to us as trainers and interpreters was to realize that being aware of intercultural differences can help you communicate successfully, act as a bridge not only between languages but also between cultures and get a better understanding of your own culture.”

Customer testimonials Team development/team building

“With her mediation and coaching background and her skills as an intercultural trainer, she managed to lead the German-English team through the workshops. In linguistically very difficult situations and in heated discussions, she was able to make a significant contribution to the success of the workshops through simultaneous interpreting. Ms. Kostadinowa impressed and inspired my employees and me with her rousing, people-oriented manner, her sense of humor and her strong personality.”

“40 old and new employees, managing directors, department heads, team leaders, engineers, project managers, secretaries, controllers, fitters, clerks were formed into a highly motivated team by Ms. Kostadinowa, which, strengthened as a community, went out of the workshop to the new challenges.”

“With a lot of commitment, classic and unconventional training methods, she understood how to sensitize the view of the colleagues in our workshop “Team Building through Feedback”. For teachers, receiving personal feedback from a group of colleagues is an extraordinary situation. She mastered this with her professional moderation and a lot of sensitivity and led the workshop to a “tangible” result in the form of self-developed feedback rules. The result will support the colleagues in the department in their further work.”

“Thanks to her biographical and academic skills, Ms. Kostadinowa was particularly successful in the “Intercultural Competence” seminar. Her perfect multilingualism is an invaluable help. Added to this is her ability to motivate with a great deal of creativity and to bring group members with sometimes very different requirements together into a productive group of learners through her lively and powerful personality.”

“Thanks to her bicultural background and her first-hand experience with the peculiarities of the cultures in the English-speaking world, Swetlana helped us develop our understanding for other cultures. What was extremely useful to us as trainers and interpreters was to realize that being aware of intercultural differences can help you communicate successfully, act as a bridge not only between languages but also between cultures and get a better understanding of your own culture.”

Customer testimonials Mediation/conflict moderation

“Both the team, my partner and I got to know and appreciate Ms. Kostadinowa-Rohde’s warm-hearted manner, her sense of humor and her structured leadership. She asks smart questions, catches up when things get very emotional, points the way when one or the other is stuck in a mental dead end, is always empathetic and patient and continuously gives appreciative and helpful feedback. We all felt empowered and understood through working with her. Supported by her working style, the understanding between us was deepened and the cohesion of everyone was promoted. My partner and I now have a strong and motivated team that we enjoy working with every day.”

“The reason for our mediation with Ms. Kostadinowa was a profound conflict. I went into mediation with little hope because I knew how deadlocked our situation was and I couldn’t imagine a way out of it. I found the warm and at the same time systemic approach to be very consistent, characterized by mindfulness, respect and genuine interest. Real encounters took place in the protected space, which helped to deal with each other more carefully in everyday life. Very sensitive coaching in a life crisis. Very helpful support and creative solutions. Thanks!”

“Ms. Kostadinowa helped our family reconnect after a long-standing intergenerational family conflict. Ms. Kostadinowa conducted the difficult and emotional discussions in a very clearly structured and benevolent manner. Her temperamental and at the same time attentive and prudent nature created an atmosphere in which every member of our family was given the necessary space to open up. Ms. Kostadinowa supported us in the mediation not only in understanding the other person better, but even in understanding herself. Thanks to Ms. Kostadinowa, my family has made a big step forward.”

Customer testimonials supervision

“Ms. Kostadinowa-Rohde very quickly succeeded in strengthening our management team in structured coaching sessions and her professional feedback supported us greatly in the further development of our management style, the structure in our practice and also in conducting team meetings to discuss current topics in order to find new ones to avoid conflicts.”

“Since the participants, with one exception, were French native speakers and Africans from francophone countries, Ms. Kostadinowa-Rohde prepared and conducted the entire workshop in French. The editors were very grateful to her for this.

In addition to her very good knowledge of French, Ms. Kostadinowa-Rohde benefited from her extensive intercultural competence in this culturally very mixed editorial office. She responded individually to the concerns of participants and was able to draw on experiences in the African context. In this context, it was particularly noticeable how she won over participants through humor.

Her clear and structured manner helped to keep coming back to the actual goals of the workshop. Nevertheless, emerging problems or concerns were not neglected.”

Customer testimonials coaching

“Ms. Kostadinowa is a good observer who gave me detailed feedback on body language, gestures, voice and rhetoric. Working with her has strengthened my self-confidence and increased my awareness of my creative and influencing possibilities, such as the possibility of influencing the atmosphere through my appearance or having more influence on the course of conversations.”

“Working with Ms. Kostadinowa was an extremely positive experience. It leads to the recognition of strengths and weaknesses in a structured way and shows opportunities to work on them positively. She is also always open to spontaneous objections and incorporates these sensibly into the development of possible solutions. I have now successfully integrated many approaches into my everyday life and work.”

“Before I started my coaching sessions with Swetlana I was very dismissive of coaching as a soft tool used by management to place their staff by just going through the motions and not actually implementing development or change. But all of these preconceived beliefs have changed now. Svetlana has a wide range of experience and skills that allow her to move the person being coached through a process of finding a resolution to a problem without feeling it as though she is leading the process.”